Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Bodil's Gap Is Coming to Print

Exciting news! Today I received my proof copy of the Bodil's Gap book in the mail. Once I go through this thing to make sure there are no fatal errors and approve it for production, Bodil's Gap will be available for print-on-demand through Drivethrurpg.

Even knowing the page count ahead of time, I'm still shocked at how thick a book this turned out to be. I'm very excited to be reaching the end of this process, and I hope anyone who holds the finished product will be as pleased by it as I am.

Going through the process of getting Bodil's Gap to print has definitely been a learning experience, and if I ever do a second book for print-on-demand, I expect the whole thing to proceed a lot more smoothly. Until then, watch this space for news of the print version's final release, and for word of a new project I'm already working on!

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