Friday, June 4, 2021

The Saga Age Is Now: Releasing Bodil's Gap

Bodil's Gap

The sagas of your forefathers speak of great deeds of daring done by mighty heroes. In the eddas of your folk, explorers brave the vast and wild sea to find new shores, warriors write their name and fortune in blood, and canny sorcerers bargain with spirits and wield the power that runs through the land like sap in limbs of the World Tree. The harsh and rugged wilderness they found is yours to tame; the laws they laid down yours to keep; and their deeds and fortunes are yours to match and even exceed. In the land of Bodil's Gap, any man or woman may make of themselves a wealthy lord—you have only to reach out and seize it.

Bodil's Gap is a fantasy campaign setting for Dungeon World, inspired by Norse myth and folklore, and by the people of viking-age Scandinavia. Unlike traditional fantasy settings, Bodil’s Gap takes a folkloric, fairy tale tone that emulates the style of ancient sagas. It focuses on the adventures of the men and women living in a harsh and rugged land, bound by honour and craving glory, and confronted with vast supernatural forces that run a constant undercurrent through their daily lives.

For players, this book contains:

  • A rich overview of the world of Bodil’s Gap; 
  • New character and setting moves
  • Seven new playbooks ranging from savage berserker to giant-touched sorcerer
  • Six new compendium classes, from otherwordly kin of trolls to servant of a noble Jarl
  • New equipment and an overhauled wealth system

For GMs, it contains:

  • A wealth of setting information to inspire your campaign 
  • A dozen example steadings for players to visit and explore
  • A variety new monsters and magic items to put in players’ paths,
  • A handful of example Fronts to pave the way to further adventure
You can find Bodil's Gap on DrivethruRPG here.

Kickstarter and the Future

In previous posts about Bodil's Gap and the process of writing this book, I've talked about plans to launch a kickstarter campaign for more art. Now that the text is done and having looked into the Kickstarter process, what I've realized is that any campaign is foremost carried by its marketing—marketing I just don't have. I'm currently exploring my avenues of promotion with an eye to maybe doing a Kickstarter campaign at a later date, but I feel one of the best things I can do is let the work speak for itself. It's for that reason that I've decided to release the book as is at this time.

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